Policía perdió su trabajo después de subir un sugerente video a Internet

Una oficial de policía de Rusia fue despedida después de revelar más de lo debido en Internet

Policía perdió su trabajo después de subir un sugerente video a Internet

Autor: Vale Rudolphy

Una oficial de policía de Rusia fue despedida después de revelar más de lo debido en Internet. Se trata de Kristina Negodina, uniformada de 26 años, quien por unos sugerentes pasos de baile, no puede ejercer – al menos no por un buen tiempo.

Pic shows: Kristina Negodina. A police officer who was fired after posting a video of herself performing an erotic dance has got a new job - as a professional stripper. Kristina Negodina, 26, is also suing her former police bosses in the Russian capital city of Moscow for unfair dismissal. The stunning brunette has signed a contract with Russian strip club chain Golden Girls to appear in an online show called We Are Not Mutants. Golden Girls owner Lucky Liu says she will not be expected to appear completely naked for her 69,000 RUB (690 GBP) monthly salary. Miss Negodina commented: "I am really excited about my new career. This is going to be just awesome!" She is also suing her former police bosses for 10,000,000 RUB (100,000 GBP) damages for unfairly sacking her. Miss Negodina strongly denies claimes that she was drunk or high on drugs when she made her controversial video which she posted on a private police page on Facebook. It began with her saying to the camera: "Hi colleagues, I have decided to create a trade union, now watch me dancing." Wearing a revealing black top, tight leggings with crisscross holes along the thighs and high heels, she then gyrated and pouted for the camera before blowing a kiss. Miss Negodina said: "I will see my former police colleagues in court. My interests will be represented by one of the biggest law companies. "I have handed them all the evidence about my dismissal which I am considering as illegal dismissal." That evidence included blood tests to prove that she had consumed no illegal substances and the video itself. After she was sacked, Miss Negodina angrily posted: "I was fired because of a violation of discipline. "I posted the video in a private community on Facebook, all community members were police officers. There is nothing vulgar in the video." (ends)

El video que le costó el trabajo, era una grabación de ella misma, en el que aparecía con ropa ajustada, bailando al ritmo de una canción, con pasos muy sensuales y enfocando su escote, lo que no le pareció apropiado a sus jefes.

Por lo mismo, Negodina está demandando a sus ex empleadores, ya que según ella no fue la forma más apropiada de despedirla, ni había demostrado una actitud demasiado inapropiada.

Pic shows: Kristina Negodina. A police officer who was fired after posting a video of herself performing an erotic dance has got a new job - as a professional stripper. Kristina Negodina, 26, is also suing her former police bosses in the Russian capital city of Moscow for unfair dismissal. The stunning brunette has signed a contract with Russian strip club chain Golden Girls to appear in an online show called We Are Not Mutants. Golden Girls owner Lucky Liu says she will not be expected to appear completely naked for her 69,000 RUB (690 GBP) monthly salary. Miss Negodina commented: "I am really excited about my new career. This is going to be just awesome!" She is also suing her former police bosses for 10,000,000 RUB (100,000 GBP) damages for unfairly sacking her. Miss Negodina strongly denies claimes that she was drunk or high on drugs when she made her controversial video which she posted on a private police page on Facebook. It began with her saying to the camera: "Hi colleagues, I have decided to create a trade union, now watch me dancing." Wearing a revealing black top, tight leggings with crisscross holes along the thighs and high heels, she then gyrated and pouted for the camera before blowing a kiss. Miss Negodina said: "I will see my former police colleagues in court. My interests will be represented by one of the biggest law companies. "I have handed them all the evidence about my dismissal which I am considering as illegal dismissal." That evidence included blood tests to prove that she had consumed no illegal substances and the video itself. After she was sacked, Miss Negodina angrily posted: "I was fired because of a violation of discipline. "I posted the video in a private community on Facebook, all community members were police officers. There is nothing vulgar in the video." (ends)

El video y baile que subió la ex policía a Internet fue tildado como demasiado erótico. Pero no todo es mala suerte: gracias a esto mismo, le ofrecieron un trabajo como stripper profesional. De hecho, ya firmó contrato con un club, y aparecerá en un programa online: We Are Not Mutants, mostrando sus dotes como bailarina.

Su reserva es: no aparecer totalmente desnuda, al menos eso dice su contrato. Mira el controversial video que cambió su carrera:


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