Esta chica nos demuestra a todos los FÁCIL que es falsificar una transformación física

Otras mujeres también han decidido compartir su ‘transformación’ para demostrar que no todo lo que vemos en Instagram es real.

Esta chica nos demuestra a todos los FÁCIL que es falsificar una transformación física

Autor: CVN


Jessica Pack es una mujer que lentamente ha empezado a inspirar a otros a vivir una vida más saludable a través de su cuenta de Instagram. Pack es arquitecta y vive en Orlando. Durante el año pasado se decidió a hacer un cambio en su vida para vivir de forma más saludable y mejorar su amor propio.

[2 of 2] #MyHealthStory changed for the better 7ish months ago. My perspective changed. My attitude changed. My mind slowly began to change as well. I became inspired and motivated by many incredible women. Women who have similar and different struggles. Women who are not just courageous in telling their stories, but who are funny, friendly, beautiful, loving, empowering and strong. They began to teach me a thing or two about self love and compassion. I found my moment where I became ready to create my own success story just like these amazing women. And that’s what I set out to do. My journey has never been about losing weight and getting fit so that I feel attractive. It’s about embracing my insecurities and not just testing but pushing my mental limits. I do it to feel strong, powerful, capable. Nothing makes me feel more like a badass than rocking a BBG workout. @kayla_itsines, this community, you all showed me how to self create instead of self destruct and for that I’m forever grateful. My journey continues to be one of self discovery. I didn’t set out to FIND myself again. I wanted to BECOME myself and all that I am meant to be. The only thing I know for certain is that self discovery is captivating. And for the first time in my whole life I not only feel beautiful, I know I am. «The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest challenge is being happy with what you find.» ?? And I can honestly say, this is probably the happiest I’ve ever been with myself! Tagged by my beautiful friend @fitbynati to share #MyHealthStory for @pumpup ? nominated babes, share yours if you’d like @foamrollfanatic @sneakers_sara @healthysweetpotato

Una foto publicada por Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) el T

Es por eso que ha estado documentando su viaje hacia una vida más saludable en su cuenta personal de la popular red social, sin embargo, una de las última fotografías que subió es un poco diferente a las demás.

En ella se puede ver un collage, estilo antes/después, donde vemos claros progresos en su cuerpo: abdomen más tonificado y piernas más delgadas.


? This is not a transformation photo ? This week I’ve decided to do the 30 second transformation photo. These pics were taken second apart this morning. On the left my posture is poor, I’m pushing my belly out as far as possible, I adjusted my bottoms to show my gross, unsightly and horrid love handles. These are often concealed by my high waisted pants and bottoms that do fit so much better now. As much as it pains me to showcase these, it also proves that my body isn’t perfect and that I still have work to do and fat to lose (I’m working so hard to get rid of my love handles and lower tummy fat. Yes it has dramatically reduced already but it still exists and I’m still insecure about it). On the right I’m standing straight and comfortably. I’m lightly flexing and I’ve adjusted my bottoms to hide my love handles. I’m thankful for bikini bottoms that now fit well and hide these but I’m also trying to show that they still exist quite a bit and that not everything we see meets the eye here on social media. You can show you best angles and hide your flaws but at the end of the day what we chose to showcase is a reflection of ourselves. My body isn’t perfect. I still have imperfections and flaws that I’m slowly learning to be comfortable with. I want to be real and honest and open. Yes I’ve accomplished a lot, but yes my body still has less than ideal days when it doesn’t look its best. Fitness and health is not a fix. It’s not a destination. It’s a lifestyle. If you force your progress you know who you are cheating?! You. You only cheat you. Yes I like to show my best most of the time but I’ve also realized by not showing my worst that it only harms myself. Being vulnerable and imperfect is hard but lying to yourself is worse. I know I’m hard on myself, it’s a flaw on its own, but I’m slowly learning to be gentle and kind but it starts with being truthful to myself and knowing and understanding my imperfections and realizing that, although they exist, they don’t define me. I am not a before picture. I am not an after picture. I am not fat nor am I perfect. I’m flawed. I’m scarred. I’m insecure. But I’m learning and I’m hopeful that one day I’ll fully love me ?

Una foto publicada por Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) el 016 a la(s) 7:03 PST

Sin embargo, la foto fue tomada con 30 segundos de diferencia.

Este fue el mensaje que añadió con la fotografía:

“Puedes mostrar tus mejores ángulos y esconder tus defectos pero al final del día lo que decidimos mostrar es un reflejo de nosotros mismos. mi cuerpo no es perfecto. Sigo teniendo imperfecciones y cosas que no me gustan y lentamente estoy aprendiendo a sentirme cómoda con ello. Quiero ser real y honesta y abierta. Sí, he logrado muchas cosas pero mi cuerpo sigue teniendo días que no son perfectos y días cuando no se ve increíble. El estado físico y la salud no son el camino para acabar con tus problemas. No es una destinación. Es un estilo de vida. Si haces como que has progresado pero no es cierto ¿sabes a quién estás engañando? A ti mismo. Sólo te engañas a ti. Es cierto que me gusta mostrar lo mejor de mí misma gran parte del tiempo pero también me he dado cuenta que no mostrar las partes malas de mí sólo me hago daño. Ser vulnerable e imperfecto es difícil pero mentirte es peor. Sé que soy estricta conmigo a veces, es un defecto que tengo, pero lentamente estoy aprendiendo a ser gentil y amable conmigo misma. Todo comienza con ser honesta y comprender mis limitaciones y darme cuenta que, aunque existen, no me definen. No soy una fotografía de cómo era antes, no soy una fotografía de cómo seré después. No soy gorda, no soy perfecta. Tengo defectos, tengo imperfecciones, soy insegura. Pero estoy aprendiendo y espero que algún día pueda amarme completamente”.

Pack dice que lo hizo porque, después de llevar meses entrenando con los ejercicios de Kayla Itsines y alimentándose bien, dice que es importante no perder el foco de lo que es real y lo que no.

“Mi meta nunca fue ganar seguidores. Simplemente quería un lugar donde documentar mi viaje hacia una vida más saludable y recordar mis metas al compartirlas con otras personas”.


All I could think about today was the gym ? I have decided I’m finally ready to tackle weights so I came up with a routine that I’m really excited to try tonight!! I know in order to start seeing the results I desire, I need to add in more weight training. It’s weird that it has been such a mental road block for me because weight training is what I used to do before I found BBG! I took weight training as a P.E. class in college so it’s not something I’m unfamiliar with. I’m starting with free weights and not the machines so I can hide in a corner ? but I’m going to be doing a few different super sets!! I’m not sharing what I’m doing now because I want to test it out first. I’ll hopefully put a video together tonight to share with you all tomorrow!! It just depends if I can figure out how to film some of these moves lol. My warmup will be 30-45 mins of LISS at a 15% incline at 3-3.5 mph!! Time to go get my sweat on ?? Hope you all had a fab day ? Outfit: leggings from Express and sports bra from @victoriassecretsport

Una foto publicada por Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) el



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