Pillan a actores porno en medio de filmación en las playas de Río de Janeiro a pocas semanas del evento

Un equipo de grabación de una película porno fue descubierto usando las playas de Río como locación, a la vista de todos

Pillan a actores porno en medio de filmación en las playas de Río de Janeiro a pocas semanas del evento

Autor: Vale Rudolphy

Un equipo de grabación de una película porno fue descubierto usando las playas de Río como locación, a la vista de todos. Mientras los transeúntes pasaban al lado, captando la insólita escena, Nicolle Bittencourt y Yuri Machado daban rienda suelta a su talento, simulando un apasionado momento.

ex on the Beach (I know not brilliant title!) By Janet Tappin Coelho in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Porno stars have been caught shooting X-rated scenes on a popular beach in Rio de Janeiro which is due to host Olympic events this August. The explicit film was shot on Recreio dos Bandeirantes Beach, in the west zone of Rio, in full view of passers-by, who recorded the spectacle on their mobile phones. Locals were left shocked and outraged at the bare-faced cheek of porn stars Yuri Machado, 33, and Nicolle Bittencourt, 27, who stripped naked and got hot and steamy for the sex-on-the-beach flick. A video of the raunchy production was posted on social networks going viral on WhatsApp and Facebook gathering hundreds of thousands of views. It has caused uproar from residents who say they are offended by the film-maker’s choice of location, as Recreio is a family beach. The Brazilian sun and sand spot is further along the same stretch of coast as the world famous resorts of Copacabana and Ipanema, which are in the south of Rio. It is one of the coastal neighbourhoods where race-walking athletes and race-cycling competitors will pass through as they compete for medals in the Rio2016 Games. Recreio Beach will also be the seaside resort for hundreds of Olympic tourists who have booked to stay in hotels and rented flats in the area. The erotic scenes were filmed by Brazilian porno director, Brad Montana, at one o’clock in the afternoon in full view of all those strolling along the beach front path. Brad revealed the movie was made last Thursday (7), although mobile phone footage has only just emerged. The location for the shoot had been changed to the public waterfront because the original spot booked was unavailable. He claimed few people were around at the time. Brad said: “There were no sunbathers on the beach, much less women and children, and the stretch of road where we made the recording was closed. We also requested permission to film from the owner of a nearby kio

Los actores estaban completamente desnudos, mientras ciclistas y turistas pasaban junto a ellos en el vecindario. La locación elegida fue Recreio dos Bandeirantes, que es un lugar popular y muy concurrido.

El hecho llamó la atención, mientras en la ciudad están en medio de los preparativos para el inicio de las Olimpiadas el próximo 5 de agosto, lo que causa más ajetreo en las calles de la ciudad. La playa donde pasó todo está muy cerca de la típica Copacabana e Ipanema, ambas siempre llenas.

ex on the Beach (I know not brilliant title!) By Janet Tappin Coelho in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Porno stars have been caught shooting X-rated scenes on a popular beach in Rio de Janeiro which is due to host Olympic events this August. The explicit film was shot on Recreio dos Bandeirantes Beach, in the west zone of Rio, in full view of passers-by, who recorded the spectacle on their mobile phones. Locals were left shocked and outraged at the bare-faced cheek of porn stars Yuri Machado, 33, and Nicolle Bittencourt, 27, who stripped naked and got hot and steamy for the sex-on-the-beach flick. A video of the raunchy production was posted on social networks going viral on WhatsApp and Facebook gathering hundreds of thousands of views. It has caused uproar from residents who say they are offended by the film-maker’s choice of location, as Recreio is a family beach. The Brazilian sun and sand spot is further along the same stretch of coast as the world famous resorts of Copacabana and Ipanema, which are in the south of Rio. It is one of the coastal neighbourhoods where race-walking athletes and race-cycling competitors will pass through as they compete for medals in the Rio2016 Games. Recreio Beach will also be the seaside resort for hundreds of Olympic tourists who have booked to stay in hotels and rented flats in the area. The erotic scenes were filmed by Brazilian porno director, Brad Montana, at one o’clock in the afternoon in full view of all those strolling along the beach front path. Brad revealed the movie was made last Thursday (7), although mobile phone footage has only just emerged. The location for the shoot had been changed to the public waterfront because the original spot booked was unavailable. He claimed few people were around at the time. Brad said: “There were no sunbathers on the beach, much less women and children, and the stretch of road where we made the recording was closed. We also requested permission to film from the owner of a nearby kio

La grabación está a cargo del director porno brasilero, Brad Montana, y todo ocurrió a las una de la tarde, por lo que era difícil de disimular los desnudos. Tuvieron que acudir a la playa después de que su más privada locación original fuese cambiada. Según él, no habían muchos transeúntes en ese momento, pero el material de móviles repartido por la Internet dice otra cosa.

ex on the Beach (I know not brilliant title!) By Janet Tappin Coelho in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Porno stars have been caught shooting X-rated scenes on a popular beach in Rio de Janeiro which is due to host Olympic events this August. The explicit film was shot on Recreio dos Bandeirantes Beach, in the west zone of Rio, in full view of passers-by, who recorded the spectacle on their mobile phones. Locals were left shocked and outraged at the bare-faced cheek of porn stars Yuri Machado, 33, and Nicolle Bittencourt, 27, who stripped naked and got hot and steamy for the sex-on-the-beach flick. A video of the raunchy production was posted on social networks going viral on WhatsApp and Facebook gathering hundreds of thousands of views. It has caused uproar from residents who say they are offended by the film-maker’s choice of location, as Recreio is a family beach. The Brazilian sun and sand spot is further along the same stretch of coast as the world famous resorts of Copacabana and Ipanema, which are in the south of Rio. It is one of the coastal neighbourhoods where race-walking athletes and race-cycling competitors will pass through as they compete for medals in the Rio2016 Games. Recreio Beach will also be the seaside resort for hundreds of Olympic tourists who have booked to stay in hotels and rented flats in the area. The erotic scenes were filmed by Brazilian porno director, Brad Montana, at one o’clock in the afternoon in full view of all those strolling along the beach front path. Brad revealed the movie was made last Thursday (7), although mobile phone footage has only just emerged. The location for the shoot had been changed to the public waterfront because the original spot booked was unavailable. He claimed few people were around at the time. Brad said: “There were no sunbathers on the beach, much less women and children, and the stretch of road where we made the recording was closed. We also requested permission to film from the owner of a nearby kio

«Elegimos el lugar porque pensamos que sería tranquilo», dijo Brad. Muchos han criticado el comportamiento «irresponsable» del cineasta y los directores porno en este tema, lo que probablemente traerá publicidad negativa. Incluso la actriz, Nicole, ha comenzado a recibir amenazas por Facebook. Pero ellos prefieren obviar eso.


La playa Recreio está a millas de la Villa Olímpica donde los Juegos tendrán lugar. Aún así, los atletas y turistas que están prontos a llegar (y quienes se adelantaron) son libres de andar por toda la ciudad, así como cualquier otro visitante lo haría.

A partir de lo sucedido, la policía ha comenzado una investigación para determinar si los actores y productor de la película deberían ser detenidos, en este caso, por obscenidad en la vía pública. ¿Qué piensas tú?



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