Afirman que este vídeo muestra al «Monstruo del Lago Ness» en el Támesis

Pocas personas en el mundo desconocen la leyenda del Monstruo del lago Ness, una criatura única que se supone habita bajo las profundidades de dicho lago, ubicado en Escocia, Reino Unido

Afirman que este vídeo muestra al «Monstruo del Lago Ness» en el Támesis

Autor: Andrea Peña
A view of the Loch Ness Monster, near Inverness, Scotland, April 19, 1934. The photograph, one of two pictures known as the 'surgeon's photographs,' was allegedly taken by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson, though it was later exposed as a hoax by one of the participants, Chris Spurling, who, on his deathbed, revealed that the pictures were staged by himself, Marmaduke and Ian Wetherell, and Wilson. References to a monster in Loch Ness date back to St. Columba's biography in 565 AD. More than 1,000 people claim to have seen 'Nessie' and the area is, consequently, a popular tourist attraction. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

A view of the Loch Ness Monster, near Inverness, Scotland, April 19, 1934. The photograph, one of two pictures known as the ‘surgeon’s photographs,’ was allegedly taken by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson, though it was later exposed as a hoax by one of the participants, Chris Spurling, who, on his deathbed, revealed that the pictures were staged by himself, Marmaduke and Ian Wetherell, and Wilson. References to a monster in Loch Ness date back to St. Columba’s biography in 565 AD. More than 1,000 people claim to have seen ‘Nessie’ and the area is, consequently, a popular tourist attraction. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Pocas personas en el mundo desconocen la leyenda del Monstruo del lago Ness, una criatura única que se supone habita bajo las profundidades de dicho lago, ubicado en Escocia, Reino Unido.

Estos días, ha sido difundido vídeo en donde supuestamente Nessie nada libre y relajado por el río Támesis, cerca de la ciudad de Londres en Inglaterra, lo que significaría que la criatura tuvo que trasladarse.

Los dejamos con este supuesto vídeo de Nessie…aún está por confirmarse si es real o fake


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