Asesinos de animales promocionan su negocio exitosamente por Facebook

Ofrecen la experiencia de matar un animal para promocionar su sucio negocio basado en la cacería de animales salvajes, algunos incluso en peligro de extinción

Asesinos de animales promocionan su negocio exitosamente por Facebook

Autor: Pato Lakes

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

Esta infame cazadora de trofeos posa con animales en peligro de extinción ostentando un dejo glamouroso que delata el poco respeto que tiene por la vida silvestre.

Madre de un pequeño, Anna Marie Van der Westhuizen, de 32 años, publica periódicamente las imágenes de los animales africanos que ha asesinado, incluyendo elefantes, hipopótamos, leones y guepardos.

En una de las imágenes se la ve sonriente junto al cuerpo sin vida de un hipopótamo. Mientras que en otra se le ve orgullosa posando con un elefante muerto. Otras fotos incluyen ñus, gacelas, cocodrilos y jirafas todos «cazados» por esta asesina en serie.

De nacionalidad sudafricana, Van der Westhuizen, hace gala de sus matanzas de animales salvajes con la finalidad de promocionar una empresa de caza llamada African Pride, la cual maneja junto su esposo Chris.

Su sitio web ofrece  «atender a los cazadores que buscan la emoción que acompaña a las aventuras llenas de adrenalina de la caza de animales peligrosos».

El perfil de esta carnicería dice: «Cazamos en todo el sur de África con el objetivo de lograr que la mejor caza posible y obtener un  exótico trofeo».

El sitio alojado en Facebook prosigue con su fanfarroneo de las cientos de muertes que ha efectuado para brindar «emociones» a personas inescrupulosas, que tal como este matrimonio, no tienen ningún tipo de impedimento emocional a la hora de balear a un animal inofensivo.

Es, además, cuestionable el hecho que este gigante de internet sea tan duro a la hora de censurar algo tan natural como los pechos de una mujer, pero no tiene problemas cuando se trata de alojar sitios que promueven la matanza animal.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

NB Sent without permission of the copyright holder. One of the pictures posted on the Facebook of trophy hunter Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen. See SWNS story SWHUNT; Animal activists yesterday (Tues) slammed a blonde bombshell trophy hunter who poses for sickening photos next to her kills - including rhinos, elephants and hippos. With her hair in a slick ponytail, glitzy earrings and manicured nails, Anna-Marie van der Westhuizen grins next to an array of dead carcasses. The glam 32-year-old, who has a young son, revels in the joy of shooting wild animals - and is so proud of her hobby that she frequently gloats about it on Facebook. One photo shows the tanned beauty crouching next to a lifeless hippopotamus, wrists dripping with jewellery and mouth wide with a smile.

African Pride Hunting Safaris



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