Atrapados: profesora y estudiante suben fotos juntos en la cama después de graduación

Una nueva lección de cuidado con lo que publicad han sufrido Isabelle Graham y uno de sus estudiantes de 17 años, tras compartir imágenes de ambos en una situación comprometedora, tras dejar la graduación del joven

Atrapados: profesora y estudiante suben fotos juntos en la cama después de graduación

Autor: Vale Rudolphy

Una nueva lección de cuidado con lo que publicad han sufrido Isabelle Graham y uno de sus estudiantes de 17 años, tras compartir imágenes de ambos en una situación comprometedora, tras dejar la graduación del joven.

Ambos representan a la Academia Whitburn del Reino Unido, cuya celebración terminó con todos los estudiantes volviendo a sus cuartos en el hotel Travelhodge, al que el menor de edad no habría regresado solo.

A PICTURE emerged today (Tues) which appears to show a teacher in bed with one of her pupils following a high school prom night. Isabelle Graham is accused of sleeping with a 17-year-old pupil in a city centre Travelodge and faces being kicked out of the profession. The image which was shown at the hearing in Edinburgh has today (Tues) emerged on social media which appears to show Mrs Graham in bed whilst the pupil stands at the door. Mrs Graham denies the charges and claims to have no recollection of events after 10.30pm, having drunk four glass of wine. The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) accuses Mrs Graham of going with the boy from an upmarket Edinburgh hotel where the prom took place in June 2014 to a nearby Travelodge. The former teacher at Whitburn Academy, West Lothian, is alleged to have spent three hours alone with the teenager, drinking with him, sharing a bed with him and ìrepeatedly engaged in sexual activityî with him.

Graham fue llamada a una audiencia, donde asegura no tener ningún vínculo, y no tener recuerdos de esa noche, por estar supuestamente borracha tras tomar cuatro copas de vino. De todos modos fue acusada de volver al hotel, ya que hay imágenes que lo prueban.

Todo indica que ambos estuvieron juntos durante tres horas, en las que bebieron, compartieron cama y se involucraron en relaciones sexuales.

PIX CONFIRMED WITH OLD PUPILS OF TEACHER IN WHITBURN Mrs Graham with her husband, Andrew Wilkie A SIXTH year student returned to his hotel room on prom night to find one of his teachers in bed with a fellow pupil, a hearing was told today (Mon). Isabelle Graham is accused of sleeping with a 17-year-old pupil in a city centre Travelodge and faces being kicked out of the profession. The hearing in Edinburgh was shown a photograph of the room which apparently showed Mrs Graham in bed and the pupil near the door. Mrs Graham, who was not present or represented at he hearing, denies the charges and claims to have no recollection of events after 10.30pm, having drunk four glass of wine.

Isabelle Graham

Según los investigadores, uno de los profesores colegas de la mujer encontró la imagen que los delató en las redes sociales.

«Uno de los estudiantes [cuya identidad se ha mantenido en secreto] y la Señora Graham estaban en la cama, había una sobre las sábanas y otra foto bajo las sábanas».


Por ahora se está revisando su sanción. Isabelle está casada, por lo que negó su acusación hasta el final. Lamentablemente, las imágenes valen más que mil palabras. ¿No lo crees?

PIX CONFIRMED WITH OLD PUPILS OF TEACHER IN WHITBURN Mrs Graham with her husband, Andrew Wilkie A SIXTH year student returned to his hotel room on prom night to find one of his teachers in bed with a fellow pupil, a hearing was told today (Mon). Isabelle Graham is accused of sleeping with a 17-year-old pupil in a city centre Travelodge and faces being kicked out of the profession. The hearing in Edinburgh was shown a photograph of the room which apparently showed Mrs Graham in bed and the pupil near the door. Mrs Graham, who was not present or represented at he hearing, denies the charges and claims to have no recollection of events after 10.30pm, having drunk four glass of wine.


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