Ken y Barbie de la vida real confiesan que sus numerosas cirugías han destruido sus vidas amorosas

Pixiee Fox y Justin Jedlica se conocieron mientras filmaban un programa de televisión juntos

Ken y Barbie de la vida real confiesan que sus numerosas cirugías han destruido sus vidas amorosas

Autor: Vale Rudolphy

Pixiee Fox y Justin Jedlica se conocieron mientras filmaban un programa de televisión juntos. Ambos son los «muñecos» de carne y hueso, que han hecho de su vida una fantasía. En su búsqueda por la perfección, se han obsesionado con las cirugías plásticas. A pesar de que hoy en día cada uno luce como siempre soñó, no todo en su vida es color de rosa.

Pixiee tiene 26 años y ya lleva 17 cirugías. Justin, por su parte, tiene 35 años y más de 340 procedimientos cosméticos, desde implantes hasta inyecciones y más.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** LAS VEGAS, NV - JULY 10: Justin Jedlica and Pixee Fox pictured in the Jacuzzi at Liberace's mansion on July 10, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. SURGERY addicts Pixee Fox and Justin Jedlica have vowed to live as the real life ëKen and Barbieí - after their plastic obsessions destroyed their love lives. Model Pixee, 26, has had 17 ops, including removing six ribs, four boob jobs and lipo ñ all paid for by savings and male fans. Justin, 35, has had more than 340 cosmetic procedures including five rhinoplasties and shoulder, back, cheek, bicep and bum implants. But itís come at another price: Justin has just divorced his husband of three years, while Pixee is determined not to let a relationship get in the way of her extreme plastic-surgery plans. The looks-obsessed duo - who have spent a combined £380,000 on procedures - met while filming a TV show and bonded over their love of going under the knife and this month met in Las Vegas, USA.  Pixee is having hip and bum implants later this year and plans to have surgery at the same time as Justin so they can recover together. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

Entre ambos, han gastado más de 380.000 libras esterlinas en procedimientos, pero tienen muy mala suerte en el amor. Justin se acaba de divorciar de su esposo desde hace tres años, y Pixiee dice recibir mucha atención por su apariencia, pero poco interés en formar parte de su estilo de vida.


«La gente no se da cuenta del compromiso que requiere verse así. La cirugía es mi foco y no tengo tiempo para un hombre».

Los dos creen que sus continuas cirugías dañan su vida amorosa, tanto por la rutina, como por la falta de comprensión que reciben de otros.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** LAS VEGAS, NV - JULY 9: Justin Jedlica and Pixee Fox with their award for Most Inventive Plastic Surgery at the Aesthetics Show 2016 at the Wynn Hotel and Casino on July 9, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. SURGERY addicts Pixee Fox and Justin Jedlica have vowed to live as the real life ëKen and Barbieí - after their plastic obsessions destroyed their love lives. Model Pixee, 26, has had 17 ops, including removing six ribs, four boob jobs and lipo ñ all paid for by savings and male fans. Justin, 35, has had more than 340 cosmetic procedures including five rhinoplasties and shoulder, back, cheek, bicep and bum implants. But itís come at another price: Justin has just divorced his husband of three years, while Pixee is determined not to let a relationship get in the way of her extreme plastic-surgery plans. The looks-obsessed duo - who have spent a combined £380,000 on procedures - met while filming a TV show and bonded over their love of going under the knife and this month met in Las Vegas, USA.  Pixee is having hip and bum implants later this year and plans to have surgery at the same time as Justin so they can recover together. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429



No hay muchas personas que estén dispuestas o en la misma sintonía que Justin y Pixee, ya que parte importante de sus vidas son sus físicos, y pasan bastante tiempo en el quirófano por lo mismo.

Pero de hecho, ambos han confesado que están muy comprometidos con su apariencia, lo que los hace ser muy exigentes al mismo tiempo a la hora de buscar una pareja.

Justin dice que generalmente sólo espera a alguien que sea dulce y caballeroso, mientras que Fox sólo busca a alguien que la apoye en su sueño.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** LAS VEGAS, NV - JULY 9: Justin Jedlica and Pixee Fox out on the Strip on July 9, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. SURGERY addicts Pixee Fox and Justin Jedlica have vowed to live as the real life ëKen and Barbieí - after their plastic obsessions destroyed their love lives. Model Pixee, 26, has had 17 ops, including removing six ribs, four boob jobs and lipo ñ all paid for by savings and male fans. Justin, 35, has had more than 340 cosmetic procedures including five rhinoplasties and shoulder, back, cheek, bicep and bum implants. But itís come at another price: Justin has just divorced his husband of three years, while Pixee is determined not to let a relationship get in the way of her extreme plastic-surgery plans. The looks-obsessed duo - who have spent a combined £380,000 on procedures - met while filming a TV show and bonded over their love of going under the knife and this month met in Las Vegas, USA.  Pixee is having hip and bum implants later this year and plans to have surgery at the same time as Justin so they can recover together. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

Al menos, ambos están felices de haberse encontrado y forjar su amistad, ya que se admiran y comprenden entre ellos mismos.

«He visto a Justin en la televisión antes y lo admiro. Me da consejos sobre las cirugías, y ha pasado por el mismo camino. A veces somos juzgados por nuestros cuerpos, pero nos conectamos muy bien. La gente dice que parecemos Barbie y Ken, y nos encanta la atención».


*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** LAS VEGAS, NV - JULY 9: Justin Jedlica and Pixee Fox try out a product at the Aesthetics Show 2016 at the Wynn Hotel and Casino on July 9, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. SURGERY addicts Pixee Fox and Justin Jedlica have vowed to live as the real life ëKen and Barbieí - after their plastic obsessions destroyed their love lives. Model Pixee, 26, has had 17 ops, including removing six ribs, four boob jobs and lipo ñ all paid for by savings and male fans. Justin, 35, has had more than 340 cosmetic procedures including five rhinoplasties and shoulder, back, cheek, bicep and bum implants. But itís come at another price: Justin has just divorced his husband of three years, while Pixee is determined not to let a relationship get in the way of her extreme plastic-surgery plans. The looks-obsessed duo - who have spent a combined £380,000 on procedures - met while filming a TV show and bonded over their love of going under the knife and this month met in Las Vegas, USA.  Pixee is having hip and bum implants later this year and plans to have surgery at the same time as Justin so they can recover together. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

«Nuestro amos es amor plástico», comentó la joven.

Ambos siguen planificando nuevas intervenciones, y se acompañan en las recuperaciones, por lo que su vida amorosa ha pasado a un segundo plano, aunque esperan algún día encontrar el amor.

«Estamos comprometidos con las cirugías, y no pararemos hasta que nos veamos como soñamos».

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE ***  NORTH CAROLINA, USA - NOVEMBER 04: An image of Pixee Fox, 25, after her rib removal surgery on November 4, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. SURGERY addicts Pixee Fox and Justin Jedlica have vowed to live as the real life ëKen and Barbieí - after their plastic obsessions destroyed their love lives. Model Pixee, 26, has had 17 ops, including removing six ribs, four boob jobs and lipo ñ all paid for by savings and male fans. Justin, 35, has had more than 340 cosmetic procedures including five rhinoplasties and shoulder, back, cheek, bicep and bum implants. But itís come at another price: Justin has just divorced his husband of three years, while Pixee is determined not to let a relationship get in the way of her extreme plastic-surgery plans. The looks-obsessed duo - who have spent a combined £380,000 on procedures - met while filming a TV show and bonded over their love of going under the knife and this month met in Las Vegas, USA. Pixee is having hip and bum implants later this year and plans to have surgery at the same time as Justin so they can recover together.  PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft Images UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W



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