Poblador de una villa en Ucrania dice que mató con sus propias manos al Chupacabras

¿Crees en las criaturas legendarias, los mitos urbanos, como el Chupacabras? Pues si bien a pesar de las «pruebas», muchos creen que no es más que un invento, este hombre ucraniano viene a probar lo contrario – o al menos eso dice

Poblador de una villa en Ucrania dice que mató con sus propias manos al Chupacabras

Autor: Vale Rudolphy

¿Crees en las criaturas legendarias, los mitos urbanos, como el Chupacabras? Pues si bien a pesar de las «pruebas», muchos creen que no es más que un invento, este hombre ucraniano viene a probar lo contrario – o al menos eso dice.

Se trata de una especie de Chupacabras o animal que chupaba la sangre de pollos y conejos, en una villa más alejada de la ciudad. El hombre pertenece a la localidad de Ruskin, en el oeste de Ucrania.

Pic shows: the chupacabra. A legendary blood-sucking creature has reportedly been captured and killed by a villager wielding a pitchfork. The 'chupacabra' was reportedly killed in the village of Rukshin in western Ukraine's Chernivtsi region. The chupacabra is a legendary creature in the folklore of parts of the Americas and was purportedly first seen in Puerto Rico. It has since been allegedly sighted in countries around the world including Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Villagers in Rukshin said they had been terrorised by the mysterious vampire beast for months. It had reportedly managed to get into cages containing chickens and rabbits and had sucked all the blood from their bodies. The local man who killed the animal, named only as Ivan, said he found and killed the creature in his barn. He said: "The chupacabra was hunting and I killed it. It had been scaring local people for a long time. It was eating our chickens and rabbits." Veterinarians have been studying the animal's dead body but have so far failed to positively identify it. Valeriy Dopiryak, the head of the Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, said: "This animal resembles an African fox, but its teeth, neck, ears and paws are too long. We can't say what it is." Another local man, Viktor, claims there was not one chupacabra, but two. He said the other one resembled a kangaroo, with a longer body and shorter front paws, and had run away. Villagers say they have been too frightened to leave their homes in case the chupacabras kill their livestock. The animals had been capable of jumping over 6ft fences and had killed their chickens and rabbits by sucking the blood from their bodies. 'Chupacabra' means 'goat sucker' and comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock. (ends)

Más allá de leyendas urbanas, las imágenes que muestran a la criatura muestran su aspecto anormal. Algunos han condenado al hombre, diciendo que era innecesario matar al ser viviente, y que podría haberlo capturado. Los más escépticos dicen que se trata de un perro malnutrido, pues cuenta con características similares.

La directora del Laboratorio Regional de Medicina Veterinaria, Valeriy Dopiryak, comentó que no estaba segura aún de qué era el animal: «Se parece a un zorro africano, pero sus dientes, cuello, orejas y patas son muy grandes. No podemos decir bien qué es».

Pic shows: the chupacabra.nnA legendary blood-sucking creature has reportedly been captured and killed by a villager wielding a pitchfork.nnThe 'chupacabra' was reportedly killed in the village of Rukshin in western Ukraine's Chernivtsi region.nnThe chupacabra is a legendary creature in the folklore of parts of the Americas and was purportedly first seen in Puerto Rico.nnIt has since been allegedly sighted in countries around the world including Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.nnVillagers in Rukshin said they had been terrorised by the mysterious vampire beast for months.nnIt had reportedly managed to get into cages containing chickens and rabbits and had sucked all the blood from their bodies.nnThe local man who killed the animal, named only as Ivan, said he found and killed the creature in his barn.nnHe said: "The chupacabra was hunting and I killed it. It had been scaring local people for a long time. It was eating our chickens and rabbits."nnVeterinarians have been studying the animal's dead body but have so far failed to positively identify it.nnValeriy Dopiryak, the head of the Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, said: "This animal resembles an African fox, but its teeth, neck, ears and paws are too long. We can't say what it is."nnAnother local man, Viktor, claims there was not one chupacabra, but two. He said the other one resembled a kangaroo, with a longer body and shorter front paws, and had run away.nnVillagers say they have been too frightened to leave their homes in case the chupacabras kill their livestock.nnThe animals had been capable of jumping over 6ft fences and had killed their chickens and rabbits by sucking the blood from their bodies.nn'Chupacabra' means 'goat sucker' and comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock.nn(ends)n

Mientras se aseguran de su procedencia, Ivan, el hombre que lo cazó, comentó que «El chupacabra estaba cazando y yo lo tomé. Había estado asustando a las personas de la aldea por un largo tiempo».

Encontró al animal en su granero, al que lo había visto saltar grandes distancias, y había atacado a varios animales del sector.

¿Crees que es real?


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